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Curry Spice Turmeric May Explain Low Occurence of Alzheimer's in India?
Feel free to bookmark this page. (Ctrl+D), Curcumin, a naturally occuring phytochemical in Tumeric, the earthy spice that gives Curry its intense yellow color, may prevent, slow, even reverse, the build up of neural plaque which is implicated in Alzheimer's Disease.The World Health Organization's regional forum article, Alzheimer’s Disease: Of Emerging Importance , points out a much lower incidence of Alzheimer's disease in India. Studies in Indian villages, where curried food is a staple, found a less than 1% incidence of Alzheimer's in people over 65 years of age. Turmeric, a main ingredient in curry, contains curcumin, a bioactive phytochemical that some researchers believe may, at least in part, explain why Alzheimer's is so uncommon in India compared to Western countries, where millions upon millions of baby boomers (an estimated 78 million soon-to-be-seniors in the U.S. alone) are now beginning to reach retirement. Alzheimer's affects more than 4 million Americans and many more millions worldwide. It is most prevalent among the elderly, see chart. The prevalence of Alzheimer's among adults ages 70-79 in India, however, is 4.4 times less than the rate in the United States. A joint UCLA-Veteran's Affairs study concludes that "in view of its (curcumin's) efficacy and apparent low toxicity, this Indian spice component shows promise for the prevention of Alzheimer's disease." "Curcumin has been used for thousands of years as a safe anti-inflammatory in a variety of ailments as part of Indian traditional medicine," said Gregor Cole, the lead UCLA researcher, as quoted by News-Medical.Net. "What we really need, however, are clinical trials to establish safe and effective doses in aging patients," said Cole. Tumeric, No Stranger To America
As a culinary spice, tumeric not only imparts a rich yellow color, but a characteristic earthy flavor with dill-like undertones. Often called "poor man's saffron" because of it's yellow coloring potency, turmeric is an ingredient in many off-the-shelf products. And, of course, is a major component in curry, the spice blend that predominates in the cuisines of India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Kashmir, and even Jamaica, and which can be readily found in ethnic restaurants in cities around the world.
Available as Curcumin Capsules, Curcumin Pills, and Curcumin Standardized Extract SupplementsWith turmeric readily available, and the enormous upside health benefit* potential, it may well be worth your while to introduce more curcumin into your diet -- be it in mustard, other condiments, curries, or a standardized curcumin extract supplement such as curcumin capsules, pills, or supplements. Further Curry, Tumeric, Curcumin, and Alzheimer's Disase Research References
* Some interesting and hopeful statistics were offered at the World Alzheimer’s Conference - 2000 held in WashingtonDC, USA. It was said that the rate of occurrence of Alzheimer’s disease doubles every five years for those between 65-85 years of age but if its onset were delayed by five years, the number of cases worldwide would be halved. Thus serious attention needs to be paid to the risk factors and preventive measures that may be taken to postpone the onset, if not prevent the appearance, of Alzheimer’s disease. Epidemiological data already suggests that certain communities in Asia and Africa may have a lower risk for Alzheimer’s disease compared to western countries. Researchers in India have suggested a gene-environment interaction in the causation of Alzheimer’s disease. Although genes cannot be altered, the environmental risk factors which interact with the genetic factors can possibly be modified, thereby reducing the risk. This promising concept must be pursued, as it affords a ray of hope for the future. For more about tumeric,curcumin, and curry visit montefin's FoodFacts glossary Tell a friend about this article. montefin.com is an information, education, and meal preparation resource. Always consult a physician for specific applicability of any dietary regimen or information to your health, medical conditions, and therapies. |
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