Words are eternal. Yesterday's pork chops, not so much. -- montefin, 2005
montefin's Almond, Thyme & Ginger Pork Chops Recipe

- 2 - 2" Thick Center-cut Loin Pork Chops
- 4 Capfuls - Pure Almond Extract
- 3 Tbls - Ground Dried Thyme
- 3 Tbls - Ground Dried Ginger
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Pre-heat oven to 500° F. (Click for C.)
Pat Pork Chops dry with paper towel. Pour 1 capful of Almond Extract on each side of the chops and let them sit for 15 minutes.
Sprinkle one side of each chop with Ground Thyme. Turn onto dry plate and sprinkle the other sides with Ground Ginger.
Place chops on a broiling pan. I like to place one Thyme side up (shown on the right) and the other Ginger side up (shown on the left). Bake for 30 minutes. Turn chops, reduce oven to 375° F. and bake for another 30 minutes. In the last 15 minutes test doneness with an instant read meat thermometer. It is safely done when you get a reading of 170° F.
Serve. I like mine with salsa, pico de gallo, mayonnaise and cottage cheese.
Less than 3 Carbohydrate grams per serving.
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