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I didn't know where my mind was at when I was making this 14"x5" sculptural wall plaque.

The clay got shmooshed crosswise in the slab roller, so I wet a chamois and tried to smooth out the screw up. Then, while cutting it free, the wire tool sliced up through the clay. I had to sprig the two pieces back together. and do more smoothing.

After I bisqued it, I tried hiding the disfiguring folds and unintentional bisecting with clear glaze. Then I popped it in the raku kiln.

Later, when I was rubbing the crusts of burnt sawdust and soot off with an asbestos kiln glove, a pretty girl standing next to me let out a low, throaty "Oooooooooooh.".

That's when I realized where my head was while my hands were sculpting this piece.

Status: still in the potter's personal collection.

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